What is breast cancer?

Breast Cancer Facts photo

by TipsTimes under CC BY-SA


It one from basic breast cancer facts – when the cells in our body start to grow and multiply abnormally, they become out of control and they form a tumor.

Tumors are also of two types; benign and malignant. Benign tumors are the tumors that do not multiply and spread to other parts of the body. Instead, they remain located to the area they are in. malignant tumors, on the other hand, have the ability to multiply and spread to other parts of the body.

When these malignant tumor are located in breast, they are known as breast cancer. Breast cancer can be formed in any of the tissue located in breast.

Breast cancer statistics and death ratio

According to estimate, breast cancer is the most occurring type of tumor which affects women and especially in North America and Europe.

In 2001, approximately 200,000 cases of breast cancer were detected and besides lung cancer, it is the second most occurring cancer in females. Out of every 8 women, 1 gets affected from breast cancer. However, the death ratio of breast cancer is 1 out of 28.

There are many terms used to define breast cancer. Some of them are as follows:

Types of breast cancer

Here the list of breast cancer types :

  • Carcinoma
    This type of cancer generally begins in the lining layer of organ of breast. Generally, all the types of breast cancer originate the same way.
  • Aden carcinoma
    This type of cancer starts in the tissue that is responsible for making and secreting a substance. Generally, this type of cancer starts from ducts and lobules because they produce and secrete breast milk.
  • Carcinoma in situ
    this term relates to breast cancer when it is in first stage where the cancel has not spread from the originated place carcinoma in situ are therefore referred to as non-invasive and pre-invasive breast cancers because their multiplication has not taken place in deeper roots.
  • Invasive (infiltrating carcinoma)
    cancer that has spread beyond the layer of cells from where it originated is termed as invasive carcinoma. Many of the type of cancer fall in this category
  • Sarcoma
    these type of cancers generally originates from muscle tissues, fat tissue or blood vessel. This type of cancer is quite rare and uncommon.

There are certain factors related to breast cancer that are genetic or related to strong family history of this disease. Undergoing the test whenever the symptoms are felt is extremely important as it helps in quick recovery.

Hope this breast cancer facts provides your information how deadly this disease.

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