As you know breast cancer prevention is better than cure. Breast cancer is among the most dreaded disease among women and they all wish to do something to prevent it.

Prevention of breast cancer is better than care, or so it is said. Therefore it is much better if women who happen to have risk factors of developing this disease should take necessary care and preventive measures to keep her safe from this disease. Prevention also helps lower the death ratio every year that has been caused by cancer.

Protection against this disease and lowering the chances of risk factor are also preventive measures against breast cancer.

However, it is also said that some risk factors associated with breast cancer can be avoided whereas some of them cannot be. For some types a cancer protection, it is important that the lifestyle should be healthy and there should be protection against environmental hazards and regular diet, smoking should be avoided.

All these factors do lower down the chances of getting this disease but they also do not serve as a complete protection against this disease.

Modern breast cancer prevention methods

Nowadays, due to technological and health advancements, many drugs have also been introduced in the market which helps to reduce the risk of this disease and especially it is for those who feel there is high chances that they acquire this disease like family history of breast cancer, early age of menarche i.e. Below 12 years, later age of menopause i.e. 55 years or more. At this case you can follow our breast cancer prevention tips.

Such people can go for the drugs in order to keep themselves safe and these drugs are said to lower down the chances a great deal. However, other things when adopted as a daily routine also helps protect from breast cancer such as change in lifestyle, healthy lifestyle, careful use of drugs and antioxidants, exercises, weight reduction measures can help you to remain fit and healthy and save from diseases.

Another option for breast cancer prevention is anti-cancerous foods.

This food includes strawberry, spinach, kiwi, apricots, pears, broccoli. If you will eat such fruits/vegetables daily it will reduce risks of breast cancer disease.

It is also important for women to go through screening tests once in a year to ensure their health and also conduct SBE (Self breast examination) to keep away from this disease.

After lung cancer, breast cancer is the leading cause of deaths globally and is now become very common among women.

Since there is no guaranteed process or measure which could protect against breast cancer, yet discussing with your health-care provider if you feel you have a chance of getting this disease is important.

The detection and tests help a great deal to ensure your general health and wellbeing.

It not hard to follow this breast cancer prevention tips, so take a try.

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